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Employee Rights

soni blog promotion variation

Passed over for a promotion? These reasons are illegal

Been passed over for promotion? Seeing your colleagues get promoted while you’ve been left behind will be demoralizing for anyone. Employers may come up with reasons such as ‘insufficient interpersonal skills’, ‘lacking vision’, ‘insufficient performance’, or ‘creating a poisonous work environment’ ...

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soni law pay stub

Your Pay Stub Explained

Who doesn’t wait for their ‘pay stub’ or ‘pay slip’. What was once a printed sheet of paper has become electronic for many, but the significance and importance of the pay stub cannot be understated. There are laws not just against not paying employees, there are laws about recording how much is paid...

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Demystifying ‘employee misconduct’

The trouble with trying to explain ‘employee misconduct’ is simple: few people actually understand what misconduct is. Is an inability to complete all your work during the day misconduct? Is sending p...

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soni blog long term disability termination

Can an Employee Receiving Long Term Disability Benefits be Fired?

This article covers one of the most sensitive subjects in employment. Terminating an employee receiving long term disability benefits is a very delicate topic. It is unfair for the employee if their employer shows apathy; for an employer insurance payments can amount to hundreds, if not thousands, o...

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soni blog severance pay ontario

Work in Ontario? Your Severance Pay May Have Just Taken a Hit

Think your severance pay is limited to the 26 weeks’ cap laid down by the Employment Standards Act? Think again. Severance pay has proven to be an extremely subjective area of employment law. A recent case decided by the Court of Appeal for Ontario may have just pared back courts’ increasingly gener...

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soniblog facebookadsdiscrimination

Can Facebook Ads (Accidentally) Fall Foul of Employment Discrimination in Hiring

Facebook is finding itself at the centre of a furore about enabling discrimination in hiring. Allegations that its ad platform lets employers exclude people from recruitment processes have rocked not just Facebook but the wider digital recruitment space.

Facebook’s job adver...

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soniblog resignationletteremploymentlawontario

Resignation Letter Can be Taken Back Else Wrongful Dismissal Ontario Court of Appeal Says

‘Can I take back my resignation letter?’ That’s been a question for the ages for both employees and employers in Ontario. Over the years Ontario courts have tried to forge a path of certainty, however, resignation remains a subjective part of employment law Ontario. Typically, to asses if a resig...

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soni blog workplace harassment

Don’t Wait! You Have to Stop Workplace Harassment Now

Workplace harassment has been recognized as a serious concern by the government. In fact, the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act mandates that employers must investigate suspected harassment. And no wonder, Statistics Canada’s figures of 19% of women and 13% of men experiencing w...

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soni blog wrongful dismissal

Know Your Rights: 5 Examples to Help You Understand Wrongful Dismissal

Wrongful dismissal, oftentimes referred to as unfair dismissal, is an area of employment law that is not readily understood. There are many reasons for this. While it sounds obvious, not every termination matter involves a wrongful dismissal element. Also, many people don’t appreciate that they are ...

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soni law blog stress leave

Stress Leave Canada: How to ask for stress leave from your doctor? A break may be better than burnout

One in five Canadians experiences mental health problems every year according to the Mental Health Commission of Canada. And workplace stress is one of the biggest contributors to this statistic.

Did you know 1 in 4 Canadians leaves his/ her job because of stress? Still more conside...

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